Making Moves at Movement

12:34 PM
By: Mick Jacobs

This past weekend, Give a Beat took to the north to partake in Detroit's famed Movement Festival.  Amidst the air of music, dance, and camaraderie, our booth went about discovering how festival-goers felt about the power of electronic music to affect social change.
The end results were amazing.

Volunteers brought back hundreds of our surveys, each with different answers and perspectives on the transforming effects of dance music on everyday lives.  Among activists, beat-makers, and just plain-old fans, we found multitudes of individuals who felt, like us, that this genre of music fosters a welcoming community of inclusive, progressive thoughts & actions.

"The music is meant to be heard in social gatherings, that are a release and a non-judgmental approach to unity that transcends socioeconomic status, race, religion, and generation."

To see more pictures from our time at Movement, visit our Facebook page to see the album.  If we happened to meet you, make sure you tag yourself: after all, the movement cannot be made without your help.

About the author

Music lover; change-maker.